Order Process Manager

Order Process Manager

The Order Process Manager oversees the day-to-day order processing, shipping logistics and product information management for Rock Candy Holds. This position works closely with in-house sales team, domestic gym customers and international distributors to ensure customer orders are processed, shipped and invoiced on time. Additionally the Order Process Manager works with marketing, finance and vendors to ensure accurate product data and inventory levels.

Job Responsibilities

  • Order Processing
    Daily order processing includes generating and sending PO’s to suppliers. Communicating any changes to ship by dates. Receiving and sending invoices. Scheduling and preparing paperwork for both domestic and international freight shipments. Identifies and solves order issues through communication with team members, customers or outside vendors. 

  • Communication and Customer Service
    Work closely with the sales team, customers  and suppliers to ensure that orders are being delivered when and where the customer needs them. 

  • Inventory Management
    Includes sourcing and maintaining product inventory, assessing demand, monthly inventory counts and product data audits.

  • Product Information Management
    Organize and update product data across all platforms. Data includes product names, product skus, colors, descriptions, prices, photos and much more. Maintain a high level of consistency and organization.

  • Vendor Relations
    Maintain and develop vendor relationships. Keep ongoing communication in regards to supply chain/product availability. 

  • Other Duties
    Perform other duties not specifically discussed above, but which are logically those of Order Management or Product Information Management. The Order Process Manager is solely responsible for the completion of job duties and is expected to clearly communicate issues and suggest best-practices for improving systems or processes.   


  • Excellent Communicator
    Track record of successful projects requiring coordination of multiple parties/teams. 

  • Tech-savvy
    Ability to utilize current technologies and identify new opportunities. Including but not limited to ERP systems, PIM systems, advanced spreadsheets, e-commerce platforms, or other related technologies.

  • Team Player
    Demonstrated history of going above-and-beyond to achieve the shared goals of the team or project.

  • Ownership of Work
    Ability to independently work through a problem or process start-to-finish. Experience in roles that required “seeing the need” and addressing issues before they start without being explicitly told.

  • Passion/Curiosity
    The ideal candidate for this position would find passion in the work they do. They would always approach projects and tasks with a sense of curiosity and desire to learn and grow.


  • Flexible hours/work schedule.
  • Local position with some remote work potential.
  • Membership to Rock Mill Climbing.


To apply, send resume and cover letter to info@rockcandyholds.com.

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods